Platform Credits

This platform is the result of the project ‘3DPAST – Living & virtual visiting European World Heritage’ [Grant Agreement Ref No570729-CREA-1-2016-1-PT-CULT-COOP1], co-funded by the European Union (2016-2020), under the programme Creative Europe.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

This collective work gathers tee European university institutions and integrates contributions from the project leader and the project partners. In addition to the Editors, the main contributors are:

Project Leader

ESG / Escola Superior Gallaecia, Vila Nova de Cerveira, Portugal

Project Leader and Director
Mariana Correia

Scientific Advisors
Gilberto Duarte Carlos, José Vicente, Teresa Correia, Goreti Sousa, Mónica Alcindor, Rui Florentino, Damião Matos, Henrique Silva, Emília Simão, Ana Lima, Luis Paulo Pacheco

Teresa Bermudez, Marco Mourão, Jacob Merten, Sandra Rocha

Martin Torres, Andreia Correia Merten

Project Partners

Università degli Studi di Firenze, DIDA Dipartimento di Architettura, Italy

Saverio Mecca

Scientific advisors
Letizia Dipasquale, Alessandro Merlo, Massimo Carta, Stefano Galassi, Giorgio Verdiani

Lucia Montoni, Francesco Frullini, Alessandra Manzi, Gaia Lavoratti, Luciano Giannone, Enrico La Macchia

Universitat Politècnica de València, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura, Spain

Fernando Vegas, Camilla Mileto

Scientific advisors
Valentina Cristini, Lidia García Soriano, Maria Diodato, Juan María Songel, Guillermo Guimaraens, José Luis Baró, Yolanda Hernández

Matilde Caruso, Alicia Hueto, María Lidón

Platform Editors
Mariana Correia, Gilberto Duarte Carlos, Marco Mourão

Platform design & development
Marco Mourão

3DPAST logo design
Teresa Correia, CI-ESG, Escola Superior Gallaecia